The documents that follow are other examples of how the habitants of our town were always forced to emigrate to find work. Many went abroad, but some, the luckier ones, succeeded in finding work even in closer cities (Rome, Naples). Naturally the contact with the families was kept by mail, and the envelopes shown here bear witness to the correspondence between the workers in the big cities and the families left behind in the town.

The first envelope shows that it is a registered letter coming from the "Italian Commercial Bank" and presumably contained some money (one hundred and fifty lire: a real fortune at that time).

The second envelope is that of an ordinary letter with stamps and seals of the period. Interesting is even the back of the envelope: there is written a list of people, debtors and creditors, for the total of 12.28 lire. Beautiful is also the handwriting of the address of this second envelope.

For this reason it is also worth noting that in the address of these two letters there is no street name nor number: evidently in those days the first and last name (often followed by the nickname or by the father's name) were enough to find a person.

This custom should not surprise us. In fact there is mention of letters, sent from Fallo to Rome and Naples only with the first and last names of the addressees, which reached destination. Even a more singular happening is that of a woman who, having received no longer news from her husband, left Fallo for Naples carrying with her only a note (written by someone of the few that could write) with her husband's name. Incredibly she was able to find her husband after looking for him for two days in Naples.

The attic