In Fallo with the phrase " I didn't sent the bailiff to your house, did I?" you were telling someone that you had done no wrong. This leads us to think that a visit of the bailiff was never a pleasant happening.

We can then imagine how the person who received the document in the distant 1928 (VI year) must have felt.

In reality, such a document was probably already expected by the person to whom it was given, since it dealt with a court case of which he was certainly aware.

In the manuscript the reason of the complaint is not mentioned, but it is clear that the two parties were summoned to find out about the deliberation of the case in which they were involved.

This document is written in correct Italian and it doesn't lack sophisticated terms such as "collated". On the right margin of the first page the number of the case and the fee are indicated, 13 lire, which at the time must have been a considerable sum.

Even in this case, to better appreciate the document, a text format has been reproduced with details available.

The attic