CACC f. (L. captiare, capere, to catch) Caccia f. Hunt
CACCAVELL f. Oggetto vecchio e in cattive condizioni m. Junk
CACCIÁ, CACCIAT Tirare fuori Pull out
CACUAZZ(I) m., pl. CACHIEZZ(I) Secrezione f. (dagli occhi) Secretion (yellow...from the eyes)
CAFÈ m. Caffé m. Coffee
CAFON adj. Cafone adj. Boor, ill mannered
CAGG f. Acacia f. Acacia f.
CAL m. and adj. (L. calidus, warm) Caldo adj. Warm, hot weather
CALÁ, CALAT Calare Come down, bring down
CALAMIT f. Calamita f. Magnet
CALAT f. Calata f., peggioramento m. Discent, worsening (health condition)
CALC f. (L. calx, calcis, limestone) Calce f. Lime
CALIC m. Calice m. Chalice
CALICAGN m. (L. calx, calcis, calcareum, heel) Calcagno m. Heel
CALL m. (L. callum, hard or thick skin) Callo m. Corn, callus
CALLAR f. (L. caldarius, hotbath) Caldaia f. Caldron
CALZET f. (L. calcea, shoe) Calza f. Sock
CALZON m. (L. calceolus, half boot) Calzoni m. p. Pants
CAMBR f. (L. camera, vault, arched roof) Camera f. Room
CAMELL f. (L. camella, drinking cup) Gamella f. Pale, tin pale to milk goats etc.
CAMIC f. (L. camisia, shirt) Camicia, f. Shirt
CAMPAGN f. (L. campus, plain) i 'ncampagn, go to the field Campagna f. Country, fields
CAMPAN f. Campana f. Bell
CAMPANIL also CAMPANIN m. Campanile m. Belltower
CAMPISANT m. (L. campus, field + sanctus, holy) Camposanto m. Cemetery
CANAL m. f. (L. canalis, pipe, gutter) Canale m., grondaia f. Channel, gutter
CANCIELL m. (L. cancelli, gate) Cancello m. Gate
CANCILLÁ, CANCILLAT (L. cancelli, gate, a series of sticks, thus hide behind the sticks or erasures) Cancellare Erase
CANIESTR m. (L. canistrum, wicker basket) Canestro m. Basket, wicker _
CANN f. (L. canna, reed) Canna f. Cane, also a measure for cut wood 1m X 1m X 1m.
CANNARIN m. Gola f. Throat
CANNEL f. (L. candela, candle) Candela f. Candle
CANNELL f. (L. canna, reed, pipe) Doccia f, becco m. Spout, cinnamon
CANNIEL m. Matterello, round piece Rolling pin, section of sausage
CANNIT m. (L. canna, reed) Canneto m. Cane grove
CANNON m. Cannone m. Cannon
CANOSC, CANUSCIUT (L. cognoscere, to know) Conoscere Know, be acquainted with
CANTÁ, CANTAT (L. cantare, to sing) Cantare Sing
CANTAMESS f. Mantide f. Mantis, mantes
CANTIN f. Cantina f. Cellar
CANTON m. Sasso m. Rock, usually a large one
CANZON f. Canzone f. Song
CAP(E)FUOCH m. (L. caput, head + focus, fireplace) Alare m. Andiron
CAPEL m. pl. CAPILL (L. capillus, hair) Capello m. Hair
CAPEZZ f. Cavezza f. Rein
CAPIESTR m. (L. capistrum, muzzle) Capestro m. Bridle
CAPPELL f. Cappella f. Chapel
CAPPIEL m. Cappello m. Hat
CAPPOTT m. also PALITTÒ m. Cappotto m. Overcoat
CAPPUCC m. (L. caputium, head) Cappuccio m. Hood
CARACIN f. Ficosecco m. Fig (dried)
CARAFUOCCH(IE) m. Buco m. Hole, a large hole in a wall or ground; a dingy, usually windowless and small dwelling or store room
CARATT(E)R m. (Gr. charakter, imprint, character) Carattere m. Character
CARCELAT adj. and m. (L. carcer, prison) Incarcerato adj. Imprisoned, convict
CARDILL m. (L. carduelis, finch) Cardello, cardellino m. Finch
CARICÁ, CARICAT (L. carrus, cart) Caricare Load
CARICH m. Carico m. Load
CARITÁ f. (L. caritas, charity) pi carità, please Carità f. Charity
CAR(I)VON m. (L. carbo, carbonis, charcoal) Carbone m. Charcoal
CARN f. (L. caro, carnis, meat, flesh) Carne f. Meat
CAROCCH(IE) f. Colpetto m. (dato con le nocche delle dita sulla testa) Tap (given with the knucles of the fingers on someone's head)
CARRELL m. (L. carrus, cart) Carrello m. Cart (narrow gage)
CARRÌOL f. Carriola f. Wheelbarrow
CARROZZ f. (carruca, low wheel carriage) Carozza f. Carriage
CART f. (L. charta, papyrus sheet) Carta f. Paper
CARTULLIN f. Cartolina f. Postcard
CAS f. (L. casa, hut) Casa f. House
CAS m. (L. casus, occurrence) Caso m. Case
CASC m (L. caseus, cheese) Formaggio m., cacio m. Cheese
CASCÁ, CASCAT (L. cadere, to fall) Cascare, cadere Fall
CASCEGN m. pl. CASCIGN Dente di leone m. Dandelion
CASCETT f. Cassetta f. Box
CASSC f. Cassa f., bara f. Chest, coffin
CASTAGN f. (L. castanea, chestnut) Castagna f. Chestnut
CASTRÁ, CASTRAT Castrare Castrate
CATEN f. (L. catena, chain) Catena f. Chain
CATINACC m. (L. catena, chain) Catenaccio m. Lock, padlock
CATTIV adj. (L. captivus, prisoner, captive) Cattivo adj. Wicked
CAVALL m. (L. caballus, pack horse) Cavallo m. Horse
CAVIGL f. (L. claviculus, clavus, nail) Caviglia f. Ankle
CAZZUOTT m. Pugno m., cazzotto m. Punch
CEC m. pl. CIC (L. cicer, chickpea) Cece m. Chickpea
CED or CET, CIDUT (L. cedere, to cease) Cedere Cease
CELÁ, CELAT (L. celare, to hide) Celare Hide, keep secret
CEM(I)C m., pl. CIM(I)C (L. cimex, bed bug) Cimice m. Bug, bed bug
CEN f. (L. cinis, cineris, ash) Cenere f. Ash
CEPP f. (L. cippus, bottom trunk of a tree) usually used in the plural: li cepp Ceppo m. legna f. Wood (sticks and branches for burning)
CERCH f. (L. quercus, oak tree) Quercia f. Oak
CERT adj., pl. CIERT (L. certus, certain) Certo adj. Certain
CESS m. (L. secessus, retreat, isolated place) Gabinetto, bagno, W.C. bathroom, privy
CEST f., pl. CIST m. (L. cestus, basket) la cest, usually carried by hand; lu cist, a larger basket designed to be carried by donkeys Cesta f., cesto m. Basket, wicker
CH(E) adj. and pr. (L. qui, quae, which, that, that one) Che adj. and pr. What, that
CH(I) prep. also CU (L. cum, with?) Con prep. With
CHELL adj. and pr. f. s. (L. ecce illa, there is, that one) Quella adj. and pr. f. s. That, that one
CHESS adj. and pr. f.s. (L. ecce illa, there is that) Quella adj. and pr. f. s. That (closer)
CHEST, also STA adj. and pr. f. s. (L. ecce ista, here is this) Questa adj. and pr. f. s. This, this one
CHI pr. (L. quis, who?) Chi pr. Who?, whom?
CHI(E)N adj. (L. plenus, full) Pieno adj. Full
CHIACCH m. Laccio m. Snare
CHIACCHIARON adj. Chiacchierone adj. Chatterbox
CHIAMÀ, CHIAMAT (L. clamare, to shout, to call) Chiamare Call
CHIANUOZZ m. Pialla f. Plane
CHIAR adj.; CHIARAMENT adv. Chiaro adj.; chiaramente adv. Clear, clearly
CHICOCC f. (L. cucutia, squash?) Zucca f. Squash
CHIECÁ, CHIECAT (L. plicare, to bend) Piegare Bend
CHIEN adv. (L. pnanus, even level) Piano adv. Slow, slowly
CHIERCH(IE) m. (L. circulus, circle, ring) Cerchio m. Circle, loop
CHIES f. (L. ecclesia, church) Chiesa f. Church
CHIEV f. (L. clavis, key) Chiave f. Key
CHIL m. Chilo m. Kilogram
CHILL adj. and pr. m. f. pl. (L. ecce llli, here are those) Quelli, quelle adj., pr. Those
CHINOCCH(IE) f. (L. conus, cone) Conocchia f. Line tower, wooden frame display, distaff
CHIOV, CHIUVUT or CHIUOV(I)T (L. pluere, to rain) Piovere Rain
CHIST also STI adj. and pr.m.f. pl. (L. ecce isti, here are these) Questi, queste adj., pr. These
CHITARR f. Chitarra f. Guitar
CHIÚ adv. (L. plus, more) Piú adv. More
CHIUD, CHIUS (L. claudere, clausum, to close) Chiudere Close
CHIUOV m. (L. clavus, nail) Chiodo m. Nail
CI adv. (L. ecce hic, here itis) Ci adv. There
CIAMMAGLICH f. (L. cochlea + limax, snail?) Chiocciola f. Snail
CICÁ, CICAT (L. caecare, caecatus, to blind) Accecare Blind
CICAR f. (L. cicada, locust) Cicala f. Cicada, also a wooden noise maker used during Holy Week
CIELL m. (L. avis, avicellus, aucellus, bird) Uccello m. Bird
CIEL m. (L. caelum, sky) Cielo m. Sky
CIENT adj. (L. centum, hundred) Cento adj. Hundred
CIERTUN pr., pl. CIERT (L. certus, certain + unus, one) Certo adj. and pr., certuni pr. Some, someone
CIGL(IE) m. (L. cilium, eyelash) Ciglio m. pl. ciglia f. Eyelash
CIM f. (L. cyma, tip of a plant, sprout) Cima f. Tip, top, summit
CIMIENT m. Cemento m. Cement
CIMMUT adj. (L. cumulus, lump, pile) Gobbo adj. Hunchback
CINCH adj. (L. quinque, five) Cinque adj. Five
CINCUCIENT adj. (L. quingenti, quinque centum, five hundred) Cinquecento adj. Five hundred
CINQUANT adj. Cinquanta adj. Fifty
CINT f. (L. cinctus, belt) Cintura f. Belt (woman)
CINTRELL f. Chiodo per sotto gli scarponi Nail, round head nail used under, shoes or boots to prolong the wear on; rough ground
CINTRIN m. (L. cingere, to surround) Cinturino m. Belt (man)
CIPOLL f. (L. caepulla, onion) Cipolla f. Onion
CIPPITIELL m. (L. dim. of cippus, of a tree trunk) Ramoscello m. Twig, small stick
CIRASC f. (L. cerasus, cherry) Ciliegia f. Cherry
CIRCÁ, CIRCAT Cercare Look for, ask for something
CIR(I)VELL f. pl. (L. cerebellum, brain) Cervello m. Brain
CISIELL m. (L. caedere, caesus, to cut) Cesello m. Chisel
CITÁ f. (L. civitas, community) Cittá f. City
CITR m. f. (L. ceterus, the other (in the family)???; citra, near???) Bambino adj. Baby
CIUCCH(E)LAT f. Cioccolata f. Chocolate
CIUMMINER f. (L. caminus, chimney) Camino m. Chimney
CIUOPP adj. also ZUOPP Zoppo adj. Lame
CIUOT'L m. f. also CIUOTILELL f. (L. cotula, Gr. kotyle, cup??) Ciotola f., boccale m. Pitcher (small)
CLASS f. (L. classis, order, category) Classe f. Class, also year of birth for military draft
COC, CUOTT (L. coquere, to cook) Cuocere Cook
COCC f. Testa f. Head
COCCH(E)DUN pr. Qualcuno pr. Someone
COCCIAP(E)LAT adj. Calvo adj. Bald
COCCOS pr. also QUALCH(E)COS Qualcosa pr. Something
COGL(IE), COLT (L. cum, with + ligere, to choose) cogliere Pick, gather
COL m. (L. collis, hill) Colle m. Hill
COLONN f. (L. columna, pillar, column) Colonna f. Column
COLP f. (L. culpa, fault) Colpa f. Fault
COM adv. (L. quomodo, in such a manner) Come adv. Like
COM(I)CH adj. (L. comicus, comic) Comico adj. Comic
COMM(O)D adj. (L. commodus, fit, convenient) Comodo adj. Convenient
COPP f. Coperchio m. per cuocere nel focolare Cover, iron baking cover to bake in a fireplace
COPP(I)L f. Berretto m. Cap
COPP(IE) f. Coppia f. Couple
COR m. (L. cor, heart) Cuore m. Heart
CORR, CURRUT (L. currere, to run) Correre Run
CORS f. (L. cursus, running) Corsa f. Race
COS f. (L. causa, cause) Cosa f. Thing
COSS f. (L. coxa, hip bone) Coscia f. Leg
COST f. Salita f. Uphill
COSTRUÌ, COSTRUIT also FABBRICÁ (L. construere, to built) Costruire Build
COT f. (L. cauda, tail) Coda f. Tail
COT(I)CH f. Cotica f. Skin of pork, hide
CRAP f. (L. capra, goat) Capra f. Goat
CRAPIN m. Capro m., maschio di capra Goat, male goat
CRAPITT m. Capretto m. Kid
CRAVATT f. Cravatta f. Tie
CRED, CREDUT (L. credere, to believe) Credere Believe
CREM f. è na crem! He is a rascal! A wicked person ! Crema f. Cream
CREPÁ, CREPAT strong and coll., puozz(a) crepá, may you die (L. crepare, chatter, crackle, rattle) Morire, coll. crepare Die
CRESC, CRISCIUT (L. crescere, to grow) Crescere Grow
CRESIM f. (Gr. chrisma, anointment) Cresima f. Confirmation
CRET f. more often terracott when referring to pottery (L. creta, clay, chalk) Creta f. Clay
CRISTIJEN adj. Cristiano adj. Christian
CROC f. (L. crux, crucis, cross) Croce f. Cross
CROSC'CH f. (L. crusta, crust) Crosta f. Crust
CRUCETT f. Erba da fieno f. Hay, lupine
CRUGGIFISS m. (L. crux, cross + fixus, fixed) Crocifisso m. Crucifix
CRUVELL f. (L. cribum, cribellus, sifter) Crivello m. Sifter, circular sifter with steel mesh used to sift grains and legumes
CUAN m. pl. CHIEN (L. canis, dog) Cane m. Dog
CUCCHIARIN m. (L. cocleare, spoon) Cucchiaio m. Spoon
CUCCHIER f. Cucchiaia f. Spoon, large wooden spoon
CUCCHIER m. Cocchiere m. Coachman
CUCIN f. (L. coquina, kitchen) Cucina f. Kitchen
CUCUCCILL m. Zucchino m. Zucchini
CUGGIN m. f. (L. consobrinus, cousin) Cugino, -a Cousin
CUGNAT m. f., (L. cum, with + gnatus, natus, born) Cognato, -a Brother-in-law, sister-in-law
CUIET adj. (L. quies, quietis, peaceful) Calmo adj. Quiet
CULAZION f. (L. collatio, bringing together) Colazione f. Breakfast
CULL adj. pr. (L. ecce ille, there is that one) Quello adj. pr. That, that one
CULLAN f. (L. collare, collar) Collana f. Necklace
CULOR m. (L. color, color) Colore m. Color
CUMENZÁ, CUMENZAT (L. cum, with + initiare, to begin) Cominciare Begin
CUMM(I)NION f. Comunione f. Communion
CUMMAR f. (L. cum, with + mater, mother = a person who at baptism stands with the mother??) Comare f. Godmother
CUMMUN m. (L. commune, community, state) Comune m. Comune, administrative center or town
CUMPAGN m. f. (L. cumpanium, someone who shares the same bread; from cum, with + panis, bread) Compagno, -a Companion
CUMPAR m. (L. cum, with + pater, father = a person who at baptism stands with the father??) Compare m. Godfather
CUMPIETT m. (L. confectus, manufactured, e. g. almond covered with sugar) Confetto m. Sugar-covered nut
CUMPRÁ, CUMPRAT (L. comparare, to match, compare) Comprare Buy
CUN(I)L f. (L. cunabula, cradle) Culla f. Cradle
CUNCIÁ, CUNCIAT (L. comptiare, to prepare) Conciare Sift
CUNCIERT m. (L. concertare, to debate...until agreement) z'è miss in cunciert, he conspired with Accordo m., concerto m. Agreement
CUNDANNÁ, CUNDANNAT (L. condemnare, to condemn) Condannare Condemn
CUNETT f. (L. cuna, cradle) Cunetta f. Gutter, road gutter
CUNGEDÀ, CUNGEDAT Congedare Discharge
CUNIGL(IE) m. (L. cuniculus, rabbit) Coniglio m. Rabbit
CUNSERV f. (L. conservare, to preserve) Conserva f. Tomato paste
CUNSULT m. (L. consultare, to reflect, thus confer with others) Consulto m. Consultation (usually medical)
CUNSUOL m. Pranzo m. (preparato per consolare una famiglia per la perdita di qualcuno) Mourning meal (meal prepared by friends for a family in mourn)
CUNT m. (L. contare, to tell, narrate) Racconto m. Story, account, bill
CUNTÁ, CUNTAT (L. computare, to calculate) Contare Count
CUNTADIN m. f. Contadino, -a Farmer
CUNTIENT adj. (L. contentus, satisfied) Contento adj. Happy
CUNVENT m. also CUNMENT (L. convenire, to get together) Convento m. Convent
CUNVINC, CUNVINT (L. convincere, refute) Convincere Convince
CUOCH m. (L. cocus, cook) Cuoco m. Cook
CUOLL m. (L. collum, neck) Collo m. Neck
CUORN m. pl. corn (L. cornu, horn) fa or met li corn, to be unfaithful) Corno m. Horn
CUORP m. (L. corpus, body) Corpo m. Body
CUORV m. (L. corvus, crow) Corvo m. Crow
CUP m. (L. copiae, abundance??, cupa, vat, thus box of bees ??) Alveare m. Beehive
CUPERT f. (L. cooperire, to cover) Coperta f. Blanket
CUPPIN m. Mestolo m. Ladle
CUPRÌ, CUPIERT or CUPRIT (L. cooperire, to cover) Coprire Cover
CURDELL f. (L. chorda, string) Corda f. Rope
CURDON m. Cordone m. Cordon
CUR f. (L. cura, care) Cura f. Cure
CURIUS adj. (L. curiosus, diligent, curious) Curioso adj. Curious
CURT adj. (L. curtus, shortened) Corto adj. Short
CURTIELL m. (L. culter, knife; cultellus, small knife) Coltello m. Knife
CURV f. (L. curvus, curved; curvamen, curve, bend) Curva f. Curve
CUSCÌ, CUSCIT (L. consuere, to sew together; L. cusire, to sew) Cucire Sew
CUSCIENZ f. (L. conscientia, conscience) Coscienza f. Conscience
CUSCIN m. (L. cussinus, C. L. culcita, pillow) Cuscino m. Pillow
CUSS m. adj. pr. (L. ecce ille, here is that) Quello m. adj. pr. That, that one
CUSSETT f. (L. coxa, hipbone) Coscetto m. Leg (of lamb, mutton, etc.)
CUST m. adj. pr. also STU adj. (L. ecce iste, here is this) Questo m. adj. pr. This, this one
CUSTÁ, CUSTAT (L. constare, to correspond) Costare Cost
CUTTUR m. Pentola (di rame per cuocere nel focolare) Pot, cooking pot hooked over the fire in the fireplace