DA prep. (L. de, ab, from) Da prep. From
DÀ, DAT (L. dare, to give) Dare Give
DAFOR adv. (L. ad. to + foris, outside) Fuori adv. Outside
DAM f. Dama f. Checker
DAMIGGIAN f. Damigiana f. Demijohn
DANN m. (L. damnum, damage) Danno m. Damage
DANNÁ, DANNAT (L. damnare, to condemn) Dannare Damn
DARICH f. also RADIC (L. radix, root) Radice f. Root
DAT f. (L. dare, to give; Romans wrote the date when they gave a letter to a messenger) Data f. Date
DAVALLÁ, DAVALLAT (L. de, from + vallis, valley) Oscillare, dondolare Swing (bells, objects)
DEB(I)L adj. (debilis, frail, feeble) Debole adj. Weak
DEB(I)T m., pl. DIB(I)T (L. debere, debitus, to owe) Debito m. Debt
DEC(I)M adj. (L. decimus, tenth) Decimo adj. Tenth
DENT m., pl. DIENT (L. dens.dentis, tooth) Dente m. Tooth
DENTIST m. Dentista m. Dentist
DENTR adv. (L. de, from + intro, inside) Dentro adv. Inside
DESTR adj. (L. dexter, right, right side) Destro adj. Right
DI prep. (L. de, from, about) Di prep. Of
DIALET m. (L. dialectos, dialect) Dialetto m. Dialect
DIAVL m. (L. diabolus, devil) Diavolo m. Devil
DIBBAN adv. Accanto adv. Next
DIC, DITT (L. dicere, to say) Dire Say
DICIANNOV adj. (L. decem, ten + novem, nine) Diciannove adj. Nineteen
DICIASSETT adj. (L. decem, ten + septem, seven) Diciassette adj. Seventeen
DICID, DICIS (L. decidere, to cut, to put an end to) Decidere, -si Decide
DICIEMBR m. (L. december, december) Dicembre m. December
DICIN f. (L. decem, ten) Decina f. Ten (about)
DICIOTT adj. (L. decem, ten + octo, eight) Diciotto adj. Eighteen
DICOTT m. (L. decoquere, decoctus, from cooking) Decotto m. Decoction
DIEC adj. (L. decem, ten) Dieci adj. Ten
DIET f. (Gr. diaita, rules for eating) Dieta f. Diet
DIGN adj. (L. dignus, worthy) Degno adj. Worthy
DILINQUENT m. (L. delinquere, to commit a crime) Delinquente m. Delinquent
DILIR(IE) m. (L. delirium, delirium) Delirio m. Delirium
DILLUV(IE) m. (L. diluvium, flood, deluge) Diluvio m. Deluge
DISCH m. (L. discus, discus) Disco m. Record, disk
DISCRETAMENT adv. (L. discernere, discretum, to mark off, to distinguish) Discretamente adv. Fairly
DISP(E)RAT adj. (L. desperare, to dispair) Disperato adj. Desperate, penniless
DISPIACÉ, DISPIACIUT (L. displicere, to displease) Dispiacere, -si Displease, to be displeased
DISPIACER m. (L. displicere, to displease) Dispiacere m. Sorrow
DISPRIEZZ m. (L. dis-, not + pretium, prize) Disprezzo m. Scorn
DISPR(E)ZZÁ, DISPR(E)ZZAT Disprezzare To despise
DISTANZ f. (L. distare, to stand apart) Distanza f. Distance
DITAL m. Ditale m. Timble
DIT m. (L. digitus, finger) Dito m. Finger
DIVERS adj. (L. divertere, to turn aside) Diverso adj. Various, different
DIVID, DIVIS (L. dividere, to divide) Dividere Divide
DIVOT adj. (L. devotus, devoted) Devoto adj. Devout
DIVUZION f. (L. devotio, devotionis, self sacritice, spell) Devozione f. Devotion
DOLC adj. also DULC (L. dulcis, sweet) Dolce adj. Sweet
DONN f. also FEMM(I)N (L. domina, lady) Donna f. Woman
DOPP adv. (L. de, from + post, after) Dopo adv. After
DDU adj. (L. duo, two) Due adj. Two
DUBB(IE) m. (L. dubium, doubt) Dubbio m. Doubt
DUCAZION f. (L. educare, to bring up, to educate); senz(a) 'ducazion, ill mannered Educazione f. Education, manners
DUCIENT adj. (L. ducenti, two hundred) Duecento adj. Two hundred
DUDIC adj. (L. duodecim, twelve) Dodici adj. Twelve
DUET m. (L. duo, two) Duetto m. Duet
DULÉ, DULUT (L. dolere, to hurt) Duolere Hurt
DULOR m. (L. dolor, pain) Dolore m. Pain
DUMAN m., adv. (L. de, from + mane, morning) Domani m., adv. Tomorrow
DUMENI(CH) f. (L. dominicum, lord + dies, day) Domenica f. Sunday
DUONN(I)L f. or DUON(I)L Donnola f. Weasel
DUPP(IE) adj. (L. duplum, double) Doppio adj. Thick
DUR adj. (L. durus, hard) Duro adj. Hard
DURMÌ, DURMIT (L. dormire, to sleep) Dormire Sleep
DURUÁ, DURUAT (L. durare, to endure) Durare Last
DUZZIN f. Dozzina f. Dozen