TABBACCH m. Tabacco m. Tobacco
TABBEL f. (L. tabella, small board, tablet) Tabella f. Sign
TACCH m., pl. TIECCH Tacco m. Heel (of a shoe)
TAGLIARIELL m. Tagliatelle f. pl. Noodle (this was a poor person noodle made without eggs, ticker than fettuccine, served in a watery soup with tomato base)
TAGLIÉ, TAGLIET (L. taleare, to cut) Tagliare Cut
TAGLIOL f. Tagliola f., trappola f. Trap
TALIAN adj. (L. italianus, Italian) Italiano adj. Italian
TAN f. Tana f. Den, burrow
TANT adj., adv. (L. tantus, so much) Tanto adj., adv. Much
TAPPET m. Tappeto m. Rug
TARD adv. (L. tarde, slowly) Tardi adv. Late
TARLÁ, TARLAT (L. tarmes, wood worm) Tarlare Moth or worm eaten (to be_ )
TARTARUCH f. Tartaruga f. Turtle
TASS f. (L. taxare, to appraise) Tassa f. Tax
TAV'L f. (L. tabula, plank) Tavola f. Table
TAZZ f. Tazza f. Cup
T(E)LAR m. Telaio m. Loom, frame for beehive
adj., pr. f. (L. tuus, your or te, you) Tua adj., pr. f. Your, yours
m. m. Tea
TEATR m. also TI'ATR (Gr. theatron, L. theatrum, theater) Teatro m. Theater
TEL f. (L. tela, web, yarn) Tela f. Cloth, canvas
TELEFUNÁ, TELEFUNAT also TELEFONÁ Telefonare Telephone
TELEGRAM m. Telegramma m. Telegram
TEMPEST f. (L. tempestas, storm) Tempesta f. Tempest, storm
TEMPORAL m. (L. temporalis, temporary) Temporale m. Rain storm
TENÉ, TENUT (L. tenere, to have) Tenere Have
TENT f. Tinta f. Dye
TENT f. Tenda f. Tent
TENTAZION f. (L. temtatio, trial) Tentazione f. Temptation
TEPP f. Zolla f. Clump (of soil), coll. also an under world type or fresh boy
TERM(I)N m. (L. terminus, boundary) Termine Border, marker
TERMOM(E)TR m. Termometro m. Termometer
TERR f. (L. terra, land) Terra f. Land, earth, soil
TERRACOTT f. Terracotta f. Terra cotta
TERRAMOT m. also TIRRAMOT (L. terra, earth + movere, to move) Terremoto m. Earthquake
TERRAZZ f. Terrazza f. Terrace, porch
TERZ adj. (L. tertius, third) Terzo adj. Third
TESTARD or TISTARD also CUCCIUT adj. Testardo adj. Stubborn
TESTIMON(IE) m. (L. testimonium, testimony) Testimonio m. Witness
T(I) pr. (L. te, you) Ti pr. You, yourself
TICCH(IE) m. (L. tigillum, log ?) Ceppo m. Log (burned in the fireplace), a stout
TIÉ adj., pr. m. (L. tuus, your) Tuo adj., pr. m. Your, yours
TIELL f. or TIJELL (Gr. teganon, pan) Tegame m. Pan, clay pot
TIEMP m. (L. tempus, weather) Tempo m. Time, weather
TINIECC m. Tino m. Vat (a wooden vat used to hold water, ferment wine, to salt pork, to bleach clothes; shorter than the tiniell)
TINIELL m. (L. tinus, wine container) Tino m. Vat (a wooden vat for wine fermentation, usually narrower at the top)
TIP m. (Gr. typos, type) Tipo m. Type
TISOR m. (L. thesaurus, store, treasure) Tesoro m. Treasurei
TITICHIÉ, TITICHIET (L. titillare, to tickle) Solleticare Tickle
TITICÓ m. fà titicó, to tickle; zi fà titicó, to be ticklish Solletico m. Tickling
TITT m. (L. tectus, roof) Tetto m. Roof
TIZZON m. (L. titio, burning wood ??) Tizzone m. Burning wood
TOMB f. (L. tumulus, burial ground) Tomba f. Grave, tomb
TOR m. (L. taurus, bull) Toro m. Bull
TORC, TURCIUT (L. torquere, to turn, to twist) Torcere Squeeze
TORCH(IE) m. (L. torquere, to twist, to turn) Torchio m. Press (wine or olive press)
TOSC f. (L. tussis, cough) Tosse f. Cough
TOT(E)R f. also tromb f. Tromba f. Trumpet
TOT(E)R m. Spiga f. (di granturco) Cob
TRADITOR m. (L. tradere, to betray) Traditore m. Traitor
TRAFOR m. Traforo m. Tunnel
TRAM m. Tram m. Streetcar
TRAMUNTÁ, TRAMUNTAT (L. trans, beyond + montanus, mountain) Tramontare Set (sun, moon)
TRAPPIET m. (L. tripes, tripedis, three legged) Treppiede m. or tripode m. (usato nel focolare per sostenere un tipo di pentola) Tripod
TRAPPIET m. (L. trapetus, olive mill) Frantoio m. (per le olive) Mill (for olives)
TRASCINIÉ, TRASCINIET also STRASCINIÉ (L. trahere, to drag) Trascinare Drag
TRASFERÌ, TRASFERIT (L. transferre, to transfer) Trasferire Transfer
TRASPORT m. (L. transportare, to transport) Trasporto m. Transportation
TRASPURTÁ, TRASPURTAT (L. transportare, to transport) Trasportare Transport
TRAVASÁ, TRAVASAT (L. trans, across + vasum, vessel) Travasare Decant, rack
TRECC f. (Gr. tricha, in three parts) Treccia f. Braid
TRECIENT adj. (L. trecenti, three hundred) Trecento adj. Three hundred
TREMÁ, TREMAT also TRIMÁ (L. tremere, to tremble) Tremare Tremble
TREN m. Treno m. Train
TRENT adj. (L. triginta, thirty) Trenta adj. Thirty
TRESCH f. Trebbiatura f. Threshing
TRIDIC adj. (L. tredecim, thirteen) Tredici adj. Thirteen
TRIPP f. Trippa f. Tripe
TRISCÁ, TRISCAT (L. tribulare, to thresh) Trebbiare Thresh
TRIST adj. (L. tristis, sad) Triste adj. Sad
TRITIÉ, TRITIET (L. tribulare, to grind) Tritare Grind
TRITTICAT f. Scossa f. Shake
TROMB f. Tromba f. Trumpet
TROPP adj., adv. Troppo adj., adv. Much, too much
TROT f. (L. truta or tructa, fresh water fish) Trota f. Trout
TROTT m. Trotto m. Trot
TRUFF f. Truffa f. Fraud, swindle
TRUFFATOR m. Truffatore m. Swindler
TRUOCCH m. Trogolo m. Trough (made of wood or stone, used to feed pigs)
TRUV(I)T adj. (L. turbidus, turbid) Torbido adj. Turbid
TRUVÁ, TRUVAT Trovare Find
TU pr. (L. tu, you) Tu pr. You
TUAGL m. Taglio m. Cut
TUAPP m. Tappo m. Stopper
TUARL m., pl. TIERL (L. tarmes L. tarmulus, worm, borer) Tarlo m. Moth, wood warm
TUBB m. (L. tubus, pipe) Tubo m. Tube
TUCCUÁ, TUCCUAT (L. tangere, tactus, to touch) Toccare Touch
TUNÁ, TUNAT (L. tonare, to thunder) Tuonare Thunder
TUNN adj. (L. rotundus, round) Rotondo adj. Round
TUNN m. (Gr. thynnos, tuna) Tonno m. Tuna
TUNZILL f. pl. (L. tonsillae, tonsils) Tonsilla f. Tonsil
TUON (L. tonare, to thunder) Tuono m. Thunder
TUORT m. (L. tortus, twisted) avé tuort, to be wrong Torto m. Wrong
TUOSCH m. (Gr. toxikon, poison) Veleno m., tossico m. Poison
TUOZZ m. Tozzo m. Piece (usually of hard bread)
TUPANAR f. (L. talpa, mole ??) Talpa f. Mole
TUPP m. Annodatura f. (di capelli alla nuca) Pug
TUPPLIÉ, TUPPLIET (onomatopeic word: tup e tup, knock knock) Bussare Knock
TURCINIELL m. (L. torquere, to twist) Involto di budella m. Intestines (a local dish made of intestines bundled and wrapped in the peritoneum, flavored with garlic and parsley and sauted with or without tomatoes)
TURD m. Tordo m. Thrush
TURTUL m. Ceppo m. (piccolo ramo) Tree branch (for burning)
TURUACC(IE) m. (L. obturare, to stop up) Turacciolo m. Stopper
TURZ m. (L. thyrsus, stem) Stelo m. (di verdura) Stem (of lettuce, broccoli, etc.)
TUSÁ, TUSAT (L. tondere, to clip, to fleece) Tosare Clip, fleece
TUTT adj. (L. totus, all) Tutto adj. All
TUTT(I)CHIENT pr. (L. totus, all + quantus, how great) Tutti pr. Everybody
TUVAGL(IE) f. also TUUAGL(IE) f. Asciugamano m. Towel