NASC, NAT (L. nascor, to be born) Nascere Be born
NASS f. (L. nassa, fish trap) Nassa f. Fish trap
NATICCH(IE) f. (L. nodus, tie, nodiculus, small tie ??) Laccio m. (in legno per chiudere una credenza o stipo) Lock (wooden block to close cabinets)
NATUR f. (L. natura, nature) Natura f. Nature
NEÁ, NEAT (L. negare, to deny) Negare Deny
NEBB(IE) f. (L. nebula, fog, mist) Nebbia f. Fog
NENCH, NINCUT (L. ningere, to snow) Nevicare Snow
NERV m., pl. NIERV (L. nervus, sinew, tendon) fà minì li nierv, to make someone angry, aggravate Nervo m. Nerve
NEV f. (L. nix, nivis, snow) Neve f. Snow
NEVRASTENI(CH) adj. Nevrastenico adj. Neurasthenic
also 'N and N' adv. (L. ni, not) Non adv. Not
NIBBILAR f. (L. nebula, fog) Nebbia f. Fog
NICCH(IE) f. Nicchia f. Niche
NIENT pr. (L. ne, not + ente, being) Niente pr. Nothing
NIPOT m. f. (L. nepos, nephew, grandson) Nipote m. f. Nephew, niece, grandson, grandaughter
NIR adj. m., f. NER (L. niger, black) Nero adj. Black
NISCIUN pr. (L. ne, not + ipse, same + unus, one) Nessuno pr. Nobody
NIT m. also NID (L. nidus, nest) Nido m. Nest
NIVICAT f. (L. nix, snow + cadere, fall) Nevicata f. Snow fall
NOCCH f. Nodo m. Bow
NOM m. (L. nomen, name) Nome m. Name
NON adj. (L. nonus, ninth) Nono adj. Ninth
NONN m. f. (L. nonnus, the father of one's father or mother) Nonno m., f. -a Grandfather, grandmother
NONNÓ m. Nonno m. Grandpa
NOR f. (L. nurus, daughter-in-law) Nuora f. Daughter-in-law
NOTT f. (L. nox, noctis, night) Notte f. Night
NOV adj. (L. novem, nine) Nove adj. Nine
NOV(I)CIENT adj. (L. nongenti, nine hundred) Novecento adj. Nine hundred
NU m., NA f. art. (L. unus, one) Un m., una f. art. A, an
NU pr. (L. nos, we) Noi We
NUAS m. (L. nasus, nose) Naso m. Nose
NUC f. (L. nux, nucis, nut) Noce f. Nut (usually walnut)
NUM(E)R m. (L. numerus, number) Numero m. Number
NUOCC m. (L. nucleolus, center) Nocciolo m. Pit
NUOSTR m., NOSTR f. adj. pr. (L. noster, our) Nostro adj. Our
NUOV f. NOV adj. (L. novus, new) Nuovo adj. New
NUTÁ, NUTAT (L. natare, to swim) Nuotare Swim
NUTAR m. (L. notarius, stenographer, secretary) Notaio m. Notary
NUTIZ(IE) f. (L. notitia, fame, acquaintance) avè na bon (na brutt) nutiz(ie), to have a good (a bad) news Notizia f. News, notice
NUVANT adj. (L. nonaginta, ninety) Novanta adj. Ninety
NUVIEMBR m. (L. november, November) Novembre m. November
NUVL f. (L. nubilus, cloudy) Nuvola f. Cloud