LA art. f.; pl. li (L. illa, that) La art. f. The
LA pr. f. (L. illa, illam, that) La pr. f. Her, it
LACCITT m. (L. laqueus, snarl, noose) Laccetto m. Shoe string
LACR(I)M f. (L. lacrima, tear) lacrim di sangh, bitter tears Lacrima f. Tear
LAMARIELL m. (L. hamus, fish hook) Amo m. Hook, fish hook
LAMATUR f. (L. lama, swamp, bog) Lama f. Wet or soft land
LAMENTÁ, LAMENTAT (L. lamentari, to lament) Lamentare, -si Complain
LAMETT f. Lametta f. Blade, razor blade
LAMP m. also SILLAMP (Gr. lampas, lantem) pl. LIEMP Lampo m. Lightening
LAMP(A)D f. lamp(a)d a uogl, oil lamp Lampada f. Lamp
LAMPADAR(IE) m. Lampadario m. Chandelier
LAMPADIN f. Lampadina f. Light bulb
LAN f. (L. lana, wool) Lana f. Wool
LANIFIC(IE) m. (L. lana, wool + facere, to make) Lanificio m. Woolen mill
LAPP(I)S m. Lapis m., matita f. Pencil
LAR(IE) m. and adj. (L. largus, large) Largo m. and adj. Wide, large opening or square
LARD m. Lardo m. Lard, salt pork
LASSÁ, LASSAT (L. laxare, to widen) Lasciare Leave
LATR m. and adj. also LADR (L. latro, mercenary, bandit) Ladro m. and adj. Thief
LATT m. (L. lac, lactis, milk) Latte m. Milk
LATTAR m. Lattaio m. Milkman
LAVÁ, LAVAT (L. lavare, to wash) Lavare Wash
LAVAGN f. Lavagna f. Blackboard
LAVATUR m. (L. lavare, to wash) Lavatoio m. Washing place (at a river or a fountain)
LAVOR m., pl. LAVUR (L. labor, work) Lavoro m. Work
LAVORATOR adj. (L. laborare, to work) Lavoratore adj. Worker
LAVURÁ, LAVURAT (L. laborare, to work) Lavorare Work
LAZZARON m. and adj. Lazzarone m. and adj. Scoundrel, cad
LEBBR m. (L. lepus, hare) Lepre f. Hare
LECCH f. Schiumarola f. (di rame, senza buchi per ricavare l'olio alla superficie di un tino pieno d'acqua) Skimmer for oil
LEGG f. (L. lex, legis, law) Legge f. Law
LEGG, LIGGIUT (L. legere, to read) Leggere Read
LEN f. (L. lignum, wood) fa li len, to go and cut some wood) Legna f. Wood
LENGH f. (L. lingua, tongue) Lingua f. Tongue
LEON m. also LI'ON (L. leo, leonis, lion) Leone m. Lion
LETTR f. (L. litterae, letter) Lettera f. Letter
LEVÁ, LUVAT also LUVÁ (L. levare, to take away) Levare, -si Take away
LEZION f. (L. lectio, lectionis, reading) Lezione f. Lesson
LI pr. (L. illi, those) Li, le, loro pr. Them
LIBBR f. (L. libra, balance) Libbra f. Pound
LIBBR adj. (L. liber, free) Libero adj. Free, unoccupied
LIBBR m. (L. liber, book) Libro m. Book
LIBBRETT f. Libretto (postale, di banca) m. Bank book
LICCÁ, LICCAT (L. lingere, to lick) Leccare Lick
LICENZ f. (L. licentia, license) Licenza f. Permit, furlow
LIETT m. (L. lectus, bed) Letto m. Bed
LIEV(I)T m. (L. levare, levitum, to raise) Lievito m. Yeast
LIGGIER adj. (L. levis, light) Leggero adj. Light
LIM f. (L. lima, file) Lima f. File
LIMON m. (Ar. limun, lemon) Limone m. Lemon
LIN(EIE) f. (L. linea, line) Linea f. Line
LINTICCH(IE) f. (L. lens, lentis, lentil) Lenticchia f. Lentil
LINZUOL m. (L. linteolum, small linen cloth) Lenzuolo m. Sheet
LIR f. (L. libra, balance) Lira f. Lira
LISC adj. Liscio adj. Smooth
LISC f. Ardesia f. Slate (natural slab of soft slate used rustic floors of houses, roofs, porche or terrace floors)
LIST f. Lista f. List
LITICHIÉ, LITICHIET (L. litigare, to quarrel) Litigare Quarrel
LITR m. (Gr. litra, pound) Litro m. Liter
LIV f. (L. oliva, olive) Uliva f. Olive
LIVEL m. (L. libella, level) passagg a livel, railroad crossing Livello m. Level
LLUCCH m. Grido m. Scream
LONTR f. (L. lutra, otter) Lontra f. Otter
LOR pr. (L. apheresis of illorum, of those) Loro pr. They
LOTT f. (L. lucta, wrestling) Lotta f. Wrestling
LU art. m.; l',; pl. LI (L. ille, illud, illi, that, those) Il, l', art. m., The
LU pr. (L. illum, that) Lo, l', pr. Him, it
LUABBR m.; pl. LABBR (L. labrum, lip) Labbro m. Lip
LUACC m.; pl. LIECC Sedano m. Celery
LUACH m. (L. lacus, lake) Lago m. Lake
LUAT m.; pl. LIET (L. latus, side) Lato m. Side
LUC f. (L. lux, lucis) Luce f. Light
LUCENT adj. Lucente adj. Shiny
LUCIACAPPELL f. (L. lux, light + capella, star of Auriga??) Lucciola Firefly
LUCIARELL f. Luce, piccola luce Light, small light, glimmer
LUCI'T adj. (L. lucidus, shiny) _ pi li scarp, shoe polish Lucido adj.; cera da scarpe f. Shiny, shoepolish
LUGL m. (L. julius, Julius) Luglio m. July
LUM m. (L. lumen, light) Lume m. Light
LUN f. (L. luna, moon) Luna f. Moon
LUNEDDÌ m. (L. lunae dies, day of the moon) Lunedì m. Monday
LUNGH adj.; f. longh (L. longus, long) Lungo adj. Long
LUNTAN adv. and adj. (L. longus, longitanus, far) Lontano adv. and adj. Far
LUNTERN f. (L. lanterna, lantern) Lanterna f. Lantern
LUOCH m. (L. locus, place) Luogo m. Place, spot
LUP m. dim. LUPITT (L. lupus, wolf) Lupo m. Wolf
LUSSCI(IE) f. Bucato m. Washing
LUTT m. (L. luctus, mourning) sta' a lutt, to be in mourning Lutto m. Mourning