R(E)GAL m. also RIGAL Regalo m. Present, gift
R(E)GALÁ, R(E)GALAT Regalare Present, give a gift
R(E)SPIRIÉ, R(E)SPIRIET also RISPIRIÉ and REFLATÁ (L. respirare, to breathe) Respirare Breathe
RACCOGL(IE), RACCOLT (L. colligere, to gather) Raccogliere Gather, pick
RACCUMANNÁ, RACCUMANNAT (L. ad, to + commendare, entrust) Raccomandare Recommend
RACCUNTÁ, RACCUNTAT Raccontare Narrate
RAD(IE) f. Radio f. Radio
RADICH f. or RADIC f. (L. radix, root) Radice f. Root
RAFFR(E)DDOR m. also CIAMUORR (L. frigidus, cold) piglié nu ciamuorr, to catch a cold Raffreddore m. Cold
RAGGION f. (L. ratio, rationis, reason) Ragione f. Reason, right
RAGLIÉ, RAGLIET (L. rudere, to bray) Ragliare Bray
RAM f. (L. ramus, branch) Ramo m. Branch
RAM m. (L. aeramen, object of copper) Rame m. Copper
RAMMARICÁ, RAMMARICAT (L. re- again + amaricare, to make bitter) Rammaricare, -si Regret, complain
RANABUOTT m. (L. rana, frog + bufo, bufonis, toad) Rana f., rospo m. Frog, toad
RANOCCH(IE) f. (L. rana, frog) Rana f. Frog
RAP (L. rapa, turnip) Rapa f. Mustard green, turnip
RAPPR(E)SENTÁ, RAPPR(E)SENTAT also RAPPR(E)SINTÁ (L. repraesentare, to present) Rappresentare Represent
RAS f. (L. fossura, digging) Fosso m. Trench (to collect water)
RASSIGNIÉ, RASSIGNIET Rassegnare, -si Resign
RASTRIELL m. (L. rastrum or rastrellum, rake) Rastrello m. Rake
RASUR m. Rasoio m. Razor
RAVIIUOL m. Raviolo m. Ravioli
RAZZ f. Razza f. Race, type
RE m. (L. rex, king) Re m. King
RECCH(IE) f. (L. auricula, ear) Orecchio m. Ear
REF(I)C m. also 'OREF(I)C (L. aurifex, goldsmith) Orefice m. Goldsmith
REGG, RIGGIUT (L. regere, to keep straight) rei l'uas(i)n, to keep straight the load on one side of a donkey while the other side is being loaded or unloaded. Reggere Hold
REGISTRÁ, REGISTRAT (L. regerere, to register) Registrare Register
REN f. (L. arena, sand) Sabbia f. Sand
REQU(IE) f. (L. requies, rest) requ(ie) a ddò stà, may he rest in peace where he is; pozz avé requ(ie) e ripus, may he have peace and rest Requie f. Requiem
RET f. (L. rete, net) Rete f. Net
RIBBELLÁ, RIBBELLAT (L. rebellare, to revolt) Ribellare, -si Revolt
RICAM m. Ricamo m. Embroidery
RICAMÁ, RICAMAT Ricamare Embroider
RICANOSC, RICANUSCIUT (L. recognoscere, to recognize) Riconoscere Recognize
RICCH adj. Ricco adj. Rich
RICCHIIN m. Orecchino m. Earring
RICEV, RICEVUT (L. recipere, to receive) Ricevere Receive
RICEVUT f. (L. recipere, to receive) Ricevuta f. Receipt
RICORD m. (L. recordari, to remember) Ricordo m. Memory, souvenir
RICURDÁ, RICURDAT also ARICURDÀ (L. recordari, to remember) Ricordare, -si Remember
RIDUC, RIDUTT (L. reducere, to lead back) Ridurre Reduce, become, change into
RIECC f. (L. reicere, to throw back) Canale m., fosso m., cunetta f. Trench (stone lined trench to catch drain water in the fields)
RIEST m. (L. restare, to be left) Resto m. Rest, remainder
RIFÁ RIFATT (L. reficere, to restore) Rifare To make again, to make (a bed)
RIGNON m., pl. RIGNUN (L. renes or ronion, kidney) Rognone m. Kidney
RII, RIJUT (L. pref. re-, again + ire, to go) Ritornare Go back
RIIETTÁ, RIIETTAT (L. pref. re-, again + iacere, to throw) Vomitare Vomit
RILLOGG m. (L. horologium, clock) Orologio m. Clock, watch
RIMANÉ, RIMAST (L. remanere, to stay behind) Rimanere Remain
RIMBAMBÌ, RIMBAMBIT Rimbambire Become feeble minded
RIMETT, RIMISS (L. remittere, to send back) Rimettere Put back, to get better after an illness, to put animals in a stable for the night, to set a clock
RIMINÌ, RIMINUT (L. pref. re-, again + venire, to come) Rivenire Come back
RIMIT also RUMIT m. (Gr. eremos, alone) Eremita m. Hermit
RIMOV, RIMUOST (L. pref. re-, again + movere, to move) Rimuovere Move, take away
RIMUSCILIÉ, RIMUSCILIET (L. muginare, to search carefully) Rimuginare, frugare Search
RINAL m. also coll. PISCIATUR (L. urina, urine) Orinale m. Chamber pot
RINGRAZIÁ, RINGRAZIAT (L. reddere, to give back + gratiam, thanks) Ringraziare Thank
RINTRÁ, RINTRAT also ARRINTRÀ (L. pref. re-, again + intrare, to enter) Rientrare Get back home or inside
RIPARÁ, RIPARAT (L. reparare, to recover) Riparare, -si Shelter, to take shelter
RIPARAZION f. Riparazione f. Repair
RIPASSÁ, RIPASSAT (L. pref. re-, again + passus, pace, step) Ripassare Pass by again, rinse (clothes), to weed and cultivate gently a seeded lot.
RIPIGLIÉ, RIPIGLIET Ripigliare, riprendere Take back, pick up
RIPUS m., also RIPOS m. (L. pref. re-, again + pansare, to stop, to rest) Riposo m. Rest
RIS m. (Gr. orhyza, rice) Riso m. Rice
RISAGL(IE), RISALT (L. pref., re-, again + salire, to jump up) Risalire Go up again, to bring up
RISAT f. (L. ridere, to smile) Risata f. Laughter
RISC'CH m. Rischio m. Risk
RISP(E)TTÁ, RISP(E)TTAT (L. respectare, to have regards for) Rispettare Respect
RISPETT m. (L. respectus, respect) Rispetto m. Respect
RISPONN, RISPUOST (L. respondere, to answer) Rispondere Answer
RISPOST f. Risposta f. Answer
RISTROPP'L (L. pref. re-, again , back + stipula, stalk, stubble) Stoppia f. Stubble, stub (left in the field after the wheat is cut)
RIT m. (L. rete, net) Rete f. Net (to hold hay)
RITIRIÉ, RITIRIET Ritirare Pull back, to retire
RITRATT m. (L. retrahere, to bring to light again) 'za fatt nu ritratt, he had a picture taken of himself Ritratto m. Picture, photograph
RITROCC(E)L f. (L. retractare, retractus, to take up once more) Carrucola f. Pulley
RITRUVÁ, RITRUVAT Ritrovare Find (something lost)
RIV(E)LÁ, RIV(E)LAT (L. revelare, to uncover) Rivelare Reveal
RIVEL f. (L. revelare, to reveal, uncover) Rivelazione f. Revelation, declaration
RIZZ f. Peritoneo m. Peritoneum
ROBB f. (L. rauba, bouty ??) Roba f. Property
ROGN f. Rogna f. Mange
ROMP, RUTT (L. rumpere, to break) Rompere Break
ROND(I)N f. also RUNDINELL (L. hirundo, swallow) Rondine f. Swallow
ROS f. (L. rosa, rose) Rosa f. Rose
ROT f. (L. rota, wheel) Ruota f. Wheel
RUACH(I)N m., pl. RIECH(I)N Ramarro m. Lizard (a large green lizard)
RUAGG m., pl. RIEGG (L. radius, ray) Raggio m. Ray
RUAGL(IE) m. (L. rudere, to bray) Raglio m. Bray
RUAGN m., pl. RIEGN (L. araneus, spider) Ragno m. Spider
RUASC m. also SFUOCH m. Irritazione f., sfogo m. Irritation, skin eruption
RUASC'CH m., pl. RIESC'CH (L. radere, to scratch) Raschio m. Scratch
RUFFIAN m., f. Rivelatore m., delatore m. Informer, tattle tale
RUGNUS adj., f. RIGNOS (L. rodere, rosus, to gnaw) Rognoso adj. Scabby, mangy
RUMANZ m. (L. romancius or romanicus or C.L. romanus, roman ??) Romanzo m. Novel
RUNC m. (L. runca, pruning hook) Ronca f. Pruning hook
RUNCHETT f. Ronca f. Pruning hook (small)
RUOSP m. Rospo m. Toad
RUSAR(IE) m. (L. rosa, rose) Rosario m. Rosary
RUSC adj., f. ROSC (L. russus, red) Rosso adj. Red
RUSC'CÁ, RUSC'CAT (L. rodere, to gnaw) Rosicchiare Gnaw
RUTELL f. (L. rota, wheel) Ruota f. (piccola ruota) Wheel (little wheel), thread spool
RUZZ(I)N f. also RUGG(I)N (L. aerugo, aeruginis, copper rust) Ruggine f. Rust